We are aware of our social responsibility and we will do our best to provide the customer with the customer's satisfaction and shareholder benefits to the interests of the community in which we live. Environmental cleanliness is our top priority and we are fully committed to our social mission.
Our customers and enthusiasts can trust the quality, freshness and originality of Farsi food products. Because we strive to provide them with a sense of calm and pleasant experience by delivering their expected value.
By focusing on providing superior value to stakeholders, we will work hard to create and maintain optimal exchanges with target markets in order to respect the interests of our stakeholders and even our competitors.
Internal marketing is the leading topic of thinking in Farsi. Employees are our domestic customers and the biggest capital for us. We are satisfied that we can ensure that our services can be delivered even higher than expected. Good company is good staff. <
With continuous effort and effort, we are best off doing all the work. Disciplined people disciplined thoughts disciplined performance
Address: N3167, Senobar 9 st, Bidestan bl, Sanat Sq, Khavaran
Phone Number: 021-75125
Register To Visit FactoryAddress: N.530, Shahid Kolahdooz st, dr. Shariati St, Tehran, Iran
Phone Number: 021- 75125